Tagged "Debian"

Patching a Debian package locally: Nextcloud, DWM and the focus lost

If you use a Window Manager that switches focus automatically (like dwm) and the Nextcloud client, surely you are annoyed by the Nextcloud window disappearing on focus lost “feature” (and no knob to switch it off). Apparently, the developers decided that This Is The Right Way®.

With the power of The Source Code, we can change that!

K3s, ZFS, cgroups v2

Unfortunately, after the migration from ext4 to ZFS, I discovered that k3s was crashing due to the missing support for overlayfs in ZFS.

Migrate Linux (home)server to ZFS

Recently I moved my home server to a (refurbished) Dell Optiplex 7050. The previous PC was on ext4, and I decided to try ZFS without reinstalling it.

Debian 10, Cloud-init and static IP addresses

In the last two days, I was preparing a virtual environment for some tests about MariaDB replication. I was determined to use the same identical settings of the production machine I was simulating: Debian 10, Docker, MariaDB 10.4. I use terraform for these tests, which works pretty well with the libvirt provider.

Iomega ix2-200, Debian and iSCSI

I recovered an old Iomega ix2-200 from the dust of my apartment, hoping to use it as a storage NAS for backups with burp. I can’t use NFS (at least, it will be unsafe), so I was looking for an iSCSI export. The ix2-200 was advertized as iSCSI-enabled, however the performance were very bad and the box was freezing literaly every night.